Imagine what it would feel like to get dressed, every morning, with ease.

And then imagine you actually feel great in what you’re wearing?

So much so that it’s actually fun to get ready for the day!

This can all be true for you. And not in some magical, hypothetical reality. But here. Now.

Working with me in a 3 month package will give you all that and more!

We can clean up your current wardrobe.

+ Clean and organized closet

+ Full of items you love!

+ Easy outfits you know how to put together

We can shop for you and find you all the pieces you’ve been missing to create a capsule wardrobe.

+ The things that you can base all your outfits around

+ The things that give you ease when getting dressed

+ Then we can add in those fun pieces!

We can continue to build your style, outfits, wardrobe over the few months.

You’ll have access to me to ask questions when you have events, when you’re shopping, when you have an extra hectic week!

It’s like having a best friend that just so happens to be a stylist!

If this sounds like what you’re looking for, schedule a complimentary consultation call here and let’s get you started!


Your Favorite Stylist


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