The Power of Knowledge
Knowing your style, silhouettes, and colors.
Why is this important?
I had a lovely chat with some of my Stylist friend’s on Monday night and we were discussing this topic. From the lens of the Stylist but also the client.
It’s not about putting you in a box, or telling you these are the hard rules.
Wear this style only!
Wear these colors only, and so on.
But it’s about having all the information and making the best call.
As a stylist, I like knowing how to determine your body type, your Kibby type, your color palette, your overall style, etc.
But I use all the information to make the best, convenient choices for you.
Knowing what I know, helps me in the decision making process.
But it doesn’t restrict me. It just gives me extra insights and options and I choose how to use that.
So, I share that information with you to say, don’t be scared to get your colors done, or find out the best silhouettes for your body.
It’s not meant to be a box to put you, but just some guidelines... and you can always color outside the lines if and when you choose. 🌈
Tami Sofia
✌🏽❤️ 🙂