What do I want to share on this Holiday ...?

I thought about this a lot the last couple weeks. I wanted to do some big styling email and make it fun and dynamic.

But nothing seemed to really land for me. Nothing was that exciting. I think it’s because it wasn’t really on my heart.

So here’s what is on my heart.

Thank you. I appreciate you. This life is precious. I love the people in my life. I love my work. I’m thankful for each and every one of you that tunes in for these newsletter, follows me on social media and chooses to be a part of my life.

I hope I am able to share some joy, some ideas, some magic with you. I hope I am of service to you. I hope I am adding value to your life. I hope you feel the love I have for all of you.

That really is my goal here.

I’m wishing you all a beautiful holiday.

I hope you can all find some peace, some love, and whatever else you may be looking for.

Best Wishes xx



✌🏽❤️ 🙂


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