What Does a Stylist even do?

Here are the top 7 questions I get asked, and here are my answers:

1. How do I learn what actually looks good on me?

√ I do something I call my “Style Design” where we go over all the basics for just you! Your color, silhouettes, your style, etc.

√ Then you’ll have an easy template of what works and what to stay away from.

2. How do I know what to keep, what to tailor, what to get rid of?

√ I do a closet edit with you and we go over all this stuff.

√ You can either book a simple closet edit, or book a 3 month and up package and that will include the closet edit.

√ We will go over the keepers, what can be made perfect for you, and what you should donate.

3. Do you just tell me what to wear?

√ I would never just tell you what to wear without your opinion.

√ I want YOU to feel good in the clothes. But as we walk through all the steps of the process we’ll hone in on what you love and what works best on you, and then I can simply pull together things for you.

4. Do you shop for me? And bring the clothes to me? How does this work?

√ Simple answer, yes. Hahah

√ But seriously, there are many options here. It all depends on your preferences, availability, and money you want to spend.

5. How do I know how to make my own outfits?

√ We’ll get you set up with a formula that is perfect for your ideal style, silhouettes, etc.

√ And I’ll always be here for questions.

6. What if I need help later when you’re not at my house, or we don’t have an appointment scheduled?

√ Depending on your package you will have access to me outside of our appointments.

√ AND we have a lovely platform where we can have a whole virtual closet for you, we can create lookbooks, pack you for trips, shop, etc.

7. What if I don’t live in your area? Do you travel to clients, or does it all have to be virtual? What are my options?

√ Again, short answer yes! I can travel, we can do virtual, we can do a mix of both.

√ It all depends on your preferences, time and money.

√ We can make anything happen, including lots of magic. ✨

Still have questions? Schedule a call here and let’s get you going!

Life’s too short to feel unhappy in your clothes! They should be a fun bonus you get to dress up in everyday to make you feel extra special, extra beautiful, extra badass!


Tami Sofia

✌🏽❤️ 🙂


Pocket Stylist

If you’ve always wanted a professional stylist but didn’t know where to start, this service is designed with you in mind. You’ll have direct access to my advice on outfits, shopping, and more— all through Telegram with unlimited messaging. I’m here for you!

Click the link below to join. I can’t wait to connect!

Pocket Stylist

It’s all about Fashion, Sustainable options, Styling and just great conversation between 2 excited Personal Stylists.


How do I learn what actually looks good on me?


How to choose the right basics and essentials